OCIA Inquiry Questionnaire

We welcome you, as you begin the formal process of looking at and considering the teachings of the Catholic Church. We will do all that we can to help you on this faith journey. The first thing we ask of you is that you complete this questionnaire.

This questionnaire is designed to help us get to know you and your personal background so that we may serve you better. Each question provides us insight on your journey to the Catholic Church so please answer the questions carefully and completely.

If there are any questions that you do not understand or are uncomfortable with answering, put a question mark there and leave it blank. If you need additional space simply attach an additional page(s) to describe your personal background. Your answers will be treated as confidential and will only be seen by the RCIA
team and the parish priests of your area.

May the Lord bless you and be with you as you seek His will for your life.
The RCIA team

Have you been baptized? *
Do you have access to a Baptismal Certificate? (Most churches will provide a copy if you no longer have an original.) *
Are you engaged to be married? *
Are you currently married? *
Have you ever been in a marital relationship before (even Common-law)? *
Do you have someone in mind for a sponsor*? *

* A sponsor is an actively practicing Catholic who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation and is able to journey with you by attending the same classes and ceremonies, pray with/for you, and provide support and insight as you decide to join the Catholic Church. Preferably, your sponsor would not be your significant other, but someone with whom you can have objective discussions. Parents may not be baptismal sponsors.

Please note: If you do not have someone in mind by November, we will provide one for you.